Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tutorial building the dragon model part 10

Press space and add armature. You will want to turn on x-ray and x-axis mirror.
Position the armature within model, rotating and scaling if needed.

Select the armature and in edit mode, extrude armature to fit the body
When you are finished, select the model and apply mirror modifier.

In object mode, select the model and then shift+click the armature. Press Ctrl+p and select parent to armature. You will want to create from bone heat.
Test the model out by switching into pose mode. Return to original poses with ctrl+z after each test. If no further changes need to be made, switch to the animation mode.

Turn on automatic keyframe insertion or insert keyframes after each move with I, and use the correct option for the type of movement, such as rot if a bone was rotated.
Keyframes are inserted each time you rotate a bone on the armature. Create an animation by moving the bones. After each frame, move forward by using the arrows or typing in the frame you want to move to.
Once the animation is finished, it can be rendered and played back.
In object mode, you can press space and add lights if scene too dark.

Tutorial building the dragon model part 9

Switch one side into UV/image editor and leave other side to display the model.

Begin cutting  up model by selecting edges and using ctrl+e to mark seam.
Seams marked in yellow.
Continue marking seam until model is split into pieces. You do not need to create a seam down middle of model when using mirror modifier.
Select the whole model by pressing a and then u to unwrap. Make modifications to segments if needed. Rearrange, resize pieces as needed. Move pieces that are too close together.
Click on the UVs at bottom and select scripts then save UV face layout. Select size and save location
Open up the file in an image editor program such as photoshop and draw in texture.
When finished with the texture, select Image, open and then open the image file.

Select faces (such as skin of wings) and press f9. Select texture face to enable double sided. Do for each needed face such as the skin of the wings.
Once texture is done, apply the subsurf modifier and make modifications if needed.
Change back into object mode

Tutorial building the dragon model part 8

Fill in the skin of the wings.

Select the faces on the back where the sadle will be, extrude and move the vertices to shape. Further extrude the faces if needed to form the shape.

Fill in any other decorations.

Tutorial building the dragon model part 7

You will add the fingers of the wings by selecting the faces on the wings and extruding them. Keep in mind where the wings will bend.

Select 4x4 faces where legs will be, loop cutting if necessary and delete the faces. Shape the opening into a circle.
Draw in a layer of faces until you reach the bottom where you draw in  two triangle shaped faces

Extrude the circle into the shape of a leg, resizing and rotate to the correct shape.
Select faces for the toes and extrude them.

Tutorial building the dragon model part 6

Begin working on shaping body by selecting faces where neck ends and extrude, resize and rotate them to shape the body. At this point, do not add wings. The wings will be added at a later time.

When dealing with objects that come to a point, select the vertices that you want to merge, hit w and then merge at the center.

Where wings will go, select 4x2 faces and delete them.
It make be necessary to loop cut by hitting k and selecting loop cut.

Arange the edges into a circle, select the edges and extrude into the basic shape of the wings.

Tutorial building the dragon model part 5

You will select faces where the eyes shall go and delete them. Move the points into the shape of the eye.

You will select the edges of the eye socked. An easy way to do this is to hold down alt while clicking.
You can extrude the edges and scale them to form an eye. Fill in any spaces.

You will also do the same thing for the nose by selecting the face where it will be, deleting it and extuding it into the shape of the nose.

Tutorial building the dragon model part 4

Filling in a face using f.

Continue extruding vertices and filling into the mouth until the whole mouth has been filled in.
It might be necessary to open the mouth to fill in all the faces of the mouth.
It is important to have the whole mouth filled in so that the inside of the model is not visible when the mouth of the model is opened.

Tutorial building the dragon model part 3

Select the faces where the horns will be and extrude them, scaling and rotating them as they extend.

You will also select the faces where the mouth will be and delete the faces.
The mouth will be filled in so that the model will not have an opening.

Fill in the inside of the mouth by selecting  a vertice and extruding it twice till it joins in the center. Continue extruding the vertices  until you have 4 vertices. From there you can select the 4 vertices and fill them in to make a face by pressing f

Tutorial building the dragon model part 2

You can manually move the points to shape the head or go into sculpt mode to shape the object.
It makes it easier to shape by extrusion if the base is the basic shape that will be used.

It is a good idea to round out the base where the neck will be.
After the base is rounded, select the faces that will connect the neck and extrude them into the shape of the neck, saling it as it progresses towards the body.

Tutorial building the dragon model part 1

To begin with, you want to start a new project so select File, new project and select the location you want to save your project.

To make it easier, it is a good idea to use a reference picture.
Right click the area under file and select split area. Select where you want to split the screen.
On the left side, select view side.
Select view, background image and load your reference image.
This left hand side is not to be moved. You will be using the right side to work.

Select your default cube on the right side and hit tab to go into edit mode.
You are able to swich between selecting faces, vertices and edges by hitting ctrl + tab
With the cube selected, hit w and select subdivide with the number of cuts set at 3.
From here you will want to make sure you are viewing the box from the front.
Delete one side of the box so that you will only be working with one side.
At the bottom you can add modifiers. Add a subsurf and a mirror modifier. Check the box next to these modifiers.
You can select the whole cube by pressing A and then move the object using the arrows.
Move the box where the head should be.
Select the faces you want to shape and hit E to extrude. You can use S to scale your selection and can rotate your selection by using R.
When you extrude, you want to use the whole region instead of individual faces.
By extruding, scaling and rotating, you can form the basic shape of your object.

3d model- dragon mount run animation

The rough run animation of the dragon mount. Will be smoothed out later.

3d model- dragon mount poses

Poses of the dragon mount

3d model- dragon mount flying animation

Flying animation of the dragon mount

3d dragonmount - rigging and texture

The rigged model

The textured model